Unity in Diversity.
The Indonesian coat of arms consists of a golden eagle, called "GARUDA," a figure from ancient Indonesian
epics. It is also depicted on many temples from the 6th Century.
The eagle is a symbol of creative energy. Its principal color, gold, suggests the greatness of the nation. The
black color represents nature. There are 17 feathers on each wing, 8 on the tail and 45 on the neck. These figures
stand for the date of lndonesia's independence proclamation:
17 August, 1945.
The motto, "Bhinneka Tunggal lka" (Unity in Diversity), is enshrined on
a banner held in the eagle's talons. This old Javanese motto was introduced by Empu Tantular, a saint of the Majapahit
Kingdom, in the 15th Century. It signifies the unity of the Indonesian people notwithstanding their diverse ethnic
and cultural backgrounds.
The shield symbolizes self-defense in struggle or and protection of oneself. The red and white colors on the shield's
background denote the colors of the Indonesian national flag. The five symbols on the shield represent the state
philosophy of Pancasila, the foundation of the Indonesian state.
The bar across the center indicates the equator which passes through the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi
and Halmahera. This is a reminder of the fact that the Republic of Indonesia is the only tropical country in which
the people have built a free and sovereign state with their own hands.
The golden star on the black background in the center of the shield represents the first principle of Pancasila,
belief in the One and Only God. The chain symbolizes successive human generations. The round links represent women
and the square ones men. It is the symbol of the second principle, just and civilized humanity. The "beringin,"
or banyan tree, symbolizes the third principal, the unity on Indonesia. The head of the "banteng," or
wild bull (bos javanicus), which is black on a red background, represents the fourth principle, democracy guided
by the inner wisdom of deliberations of representatives. The fifth principle, social justice for all Indonesian
people, is symbolized by the gold and white paddy and cotton ears.
Source : "INDONESIA 1996 : AN
OFFICIAL HANDBOOK", Department of Information, Directorate of Foreign Information Services, Perum Percetakan
Negara RI, 1995/1996